Nanjing Wotian Technology Co., Ltd.

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Electronic Pressure Switch

From: Issued date 2021.03.25 Back

The electronic pressure switch consists of pressure sensing, signal conditioning, microcomputer, electronic switch, calibration button and process selection switch.

Electronic Pressure Switch

(1) Pressure sensor elements use the monocrystalline silicon intelligent pressure sensor that has the characters of high precision, high stability, resistance to high overpressure and high     hydrostatic pressure and large range transfer ratio, which provides a guarantee for the accuracy controlling and reliability.

(2) The signal conditioning parts consist of the integration operational amplifier and electronic components. It can change the pressure signal into the signal that the computer can accept     and then transfer into microcomputer.

(3) Microcomputer put this pressure signal into analyzing, handling, memorizing, interference elimination and pressure surge, and then sending out the correct pressure switch status signal.

(4) The electronic switch converts the pressure switch signal from microcomputer into on-state and ogg-state of electronic pressure switch.

(5) When we press the calibration button, the microcomputer can memory current pressure value automatically and take this value as the setting value of intelligent electron pressure switch     to achieve the intelligent calibration of pressure switch.

(6) Process selection switch, floating tank process and sealing process can be set at different threshold values. The setting threshold values floating tank process can be properly reduced     to assure the floating tank process pressure switch can be used.

WT electronic digital pressure switch

PCM710 Intelligent pressure switch

Electronic Pressure Switch

Product Overview

PCM710 intelligent pressure switch is an intelligent pressure measurement and control product that on the collection of pressure measurement, display, output and controlling. This product is all electronic structure with its front end is silicon piezoresistive pressure sensor. The output signal can be magnified by the high precision and low temperature drift amplifier to feed into high precision A/D transverter that can be calculated and handled by microprocessor, which will be shown on status and exported line 2 switching value and 4~20mA analog value to test and control the controlling system pressure.


This intelligent digital pressure controller has the characteristics of using flexible, easier to operate, easier to debug and safe and reliable. It can be used in the area of hydroelectric, tap water, petroleum, mechanical engineering and hydraulic pressure.


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